Project Management Webinar for Software Developers

Project Management Webinar for Software Developers

On July 24, 2021, an online event titled “Project Management for Developers” went live through the partnership of technology-based communities in Cebu, Philippines. The event was spearheaded by Pizzapy – Cebu Python Users Group and supported by React Cebu and LegalMatch Philippines. During the event, participants got to learn the fundamentals of leading software development projects including dealing with day-to-day challenges and project complications. Carlo R. Montoya was the resource speaker and he shared what happens on a typical day of a project manager. He also elaborated on how the role of the project manager affects team members. Mr. Montoya spoke mostly from experience as he also serves as a Senior Project Manager in LegalMatch Philippines, a company that develops web and mobile applications for the legal industry.

The attendees were a good mix of people who are already in the tech industry and those who want to shift from other careers. Software engineers, python users, and data scientists were among the participants. Aside from their varying backgrounds, the participants also came from different locations. Despite this, they still enjoyed productive and engaging knowledge-sharing online.

To step up from the usual online conference setup, the organizers hosted the event via Gather.Town. It is a customizable virtual space that allows fun interactions and collaborative learning. Some participants commented that Gather.Town is a cool platform to explore when conducting online meetings.

As a developer of SAAS applications, LegalMatch Philippines is a huge supporter of events that educate young minds and professionals alike. Prior to the pandemic, the company has been collaborating with Pizzapy, React Cebu, and other developer groups on various face-to-face training events at the company’s office in Cebu Business Park, Cebu City.

Expect more upcoming events to learn the best practices in the tech industry. You can also follow the LegalMatch Philippines Facebook page for future workshops and masterclasses.

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