The Best Agile Project Management Tools Available Today

The Best Agile Project Management Tools Available Today

Agile: the ability to move in a quick and nimble manner.

In modern business, this trait is desirable because it allows for flexibility in production and marketing. As the core component in Agile Project Management (APM), this ability to change or adjust to unexpected changes thus has become the reason for its popularity.

Without APM, there is likely to be more confused businesses, underdeveloped or shelved products and unworkable programs today. Software development could take years while project clients will expect it to be slow, draining their time and money. 

The excitement of speed is something of a gee whiz factor for APM tools and systems. While many might think that these types of tools are expensive, there are now many free Agile Project Management tools. 

Why is Agile Here to Stay?

In an industry where time is counted and exchanged as gold,  the fast lane is the only way to go. It is a no-brainer then for businesses to ask the question: “Why not make use of what is available and what works best?” 

To choose, we must remember that we are not just following a fad. We must objectively look at APM tools and see how it can help in making our tasks and achieve business goals. We must look at them as an aid towards getting more value out of your spending on marketing tools. Generally, any new product is most likely to be better than the last. But many agree that the current crop of tools in the market are those with longer effective service lives, since most if not all aspects and systems using Agile are already existent.

The choice boils down to recognizing how Agile Project Management tools will always pare down work to the essentials but actually do more in as little time as possible. Expert users of these tools will tell you that they do more, achieve more goals within timeframes that are nothing short of amazing. But don’t let us tell you what to do. We will just provide the information that might help you make a decision to choose APM tools. 

So what are the Benefits of Using APM Tools?

Among the numerous benefits that APM tools provide are:

  • Faster software deployment, which creates the most value for clients;
  • Issues are detected faster and therefore resolved quickly;
  • Increased collaboration to produce better features;
  • Wastage is reduced;
  • Errors are reduced;
  • Adapting to change is faster;
  • Focused effort equals increase in successful production
  • Team structuring can be customized for best results
  • Faster, more efficient turnaround times
  • Everything will be optimized in project development
  • Products are perfected
  • Monitoring is all-around and at all times
  • Clean, clear and efficient measurements are used
  • Customer collaboration provides more focus on customer needs
  • Everyone is encouraged and gradually master the use of time in the most efficient way

What are the Best APM Tools Available?

As already presented earlier, feature-rich platforms and flexible tools are the best things in Agile Project Management. These are tools that address specific work or best used with certain specifications or requirements. The following are an even dozen of the best APM tools available today:

  1. Nifty — a highly intuitive, automated APM workspace for planning and integrating milestones in your project. Starts at $39 a month.

Key Features:

            – automated milestones reporting to keep track of task completion

            – knowledge hub enables discussions for better decision-making

            – project portfolios are organized to keep track of several projects all at once

Rating: 4.8 of 5

Level: Intermediate

  1. — is currently one of the most popular APM platforms for any size project, counting some big media companies and brand names as clients. Starts at $25 a month. 

Key Features: 

– customizable automations and dashboards

– helpful tracking charts or features 

– Kanban to prioritize tasks and balance demands

Rating: 4.7 of 5

Level: Beginner

  1. Wrike — is a results-oriented platform that also boosts team communications through voice commands and smart replies. Starts at $12 per user a month.

Key Features:

– customizable dashboards, workflows, and request forms

– instant file sharing, visual proofing and automated approval

– updates can be viewed on integrated devices with Android or IOS


4.8 of 5

Level: Beginner

  1. Atlassian JIRA — works best in shared environments like those for institutional designers and IT professionals. Starts at $10 per month.

Key Features:

– great use of custom Scrum boards and flexible Kanban boards

– uses custom filters using JQL or JIRA Query Language

– access to real-time, actionable insights on team performance

Rating: 4.9 of 5

Level: Advanced

  1. Active Collab — a powerful APM tool with an excellent dashboard and workflow integration. Starts at $25 a month.

Key Features:

– great filters and creates seamless, adaptive workflows

– excellent team collaboration tools

– very good invoicing feature

Rating: 4.9 of 5

Level: Beginner

  1. SpiraTeam by Inflectra — is probably the most well-developed and complete system for managing software development. Offers a 30-day free trial after which service is paid.

Key Features:

– manages software development requirements, sprints, releases, tasks and issue monitoring/reporting

– information management supporting major Agile methodologies

– one stop shop dashboard home page

Rating: 4.9 of 5

Level: Advanced

  1. Freshservice — touting itself as being designed for the modern enterprise, this management toolkit aims for better collaboration while aligning IT with business goals. Starts at $19 per month.


– complete project functionalities encompassing planning and execution

– task filters, alerts and dedicated monitoring app

– brainstorming and contextual sharing functions

Rating: 4.9 of 5

Level: Intermediate

  1. Pivotal Tracker — the Agile management platform specifically designed for mobile or web developers. Starts at $12.50 a month.

Key Features:

– automates planning for users based on factors like velocity

– offers team health analytics based on boards or charts

– optimized on integration to extend functionalities

Rating: 4.9 of 5

Level: Advanced

  1. Hive — organize projects across Kanban boards, calendars or Gantt charts with this platform. Starts at $12 per user a month.

Key Features:

– maximized advantages in AI or machine learning

– great analytics and a customizable, interactive  dashboard

– good templates and automated routines and tailored workflows 

Rating: 4.7 of 5

Level: Intermediate

  1. Agilo for Scrum — APM tool with powerful communications and highly intuitive workflows in real-time. Starts at €10 a month.

Key Features:

– highly efficient product backlog organization, which includes high level themes, overviews and prioritized items

– offers sprint panning and estimates

Rating: 4.8 of 5

Level: Intermediate

  1. Icescrum — features a free or open-source enhanceable core that makes it truly Agile. Starts at €8+ a month.

Key Features:

– enables you to operate in a powerful, highly integrative environment with a maximum of 40 apps

– straightforward dashboards offering retrospective insights and performance indicators

– real-time boards feature seamless collaboration

Rating: 4.9 of 5

Level: Advanced

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services – powerful and with almost complete functionalities that support scrum teams. Basic account is free for a maximum of 5 users.

Key Features:

– very flexible boards and excellent backlog tracing

– outstanding connect to code feature

– integration is a continuous and constant process on the platform

Rating: 4.9 of 5

Level: Advanced

What are the Agile Family of Project Management Methods?

The tools you use in APM may be a combination of several methods or strictly following a particular methodology. These are the major types of APM methodologies: 

  • Agile

This is the classic Agile development method, although it is now used as an umbrella term for identifying various methodologies or models. Agile is an umbrella term to identify various models used for agile development. Classic Agile is still widely used as a recognizable project management methodology. 

  • Hybrid

If you want to have the best of both worlds, you can use the hybrid approach using both the old Waterfall and Agile methods. It integrates what works best and is most useful in both old and new methods and works best with projects that need both structure and flexibility.

  • Kanban 

The Japanese created some of the best production and project management methods. Kanban was created by Toyota motors to aid in increasing workflow efficiencies and workflows. Kanban enables you to quickly integrate code for production and essentially uses visual monitoring techniques and transparency. 

  • Scrum

While many consider Scrum as an approach rather than a methodology, its use has developed it into a full-fledged but not full-featured methodology. It uses specific and unique tactics for a methodological approach, borrowing a lot from Agile philosophy.

  • Extreme Programming (XP)

This method is essentially a more quality-conscious way of delivery which, at the same time, creates simplicity within an approach. The end result, ideally, is high-quality software that is more user friendly.

  • Adaptive Project Framework (APF)

An IT environment that requires constant changes will definitely work best with the Adaptive Project Framework. It also helps you change a project’s scope for each sprint, stage or development cycle so that the best value for business is produced.

Life is easier on the frontlines of the most advanced approaches or methodologies in project management with the help of Agile Project Management tools. By studying these, you definitely have a good perspective on how to help your business by using Agile on your projects.

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