Leveraging Digital Markets With Growth Hacking Tools

Leveraging Digital Markets With Growth Hacking Tools

Laser-focused, technically-minded marketers have created their own unique, valuable positions in many forward-thinking companies, especially those working with intensive tech tools. 

To hack a funnel for quick growth and maximized market position and profit, the said marketers, known as growth hackers, have generated their own set of growth hacking tools. 

These tools are usually those for the technically proficient, but not necessarily for coders, programmers or computer engineers. 

If you have decided on growth hacking as a career, first you need to know the ins and outs of a market, how a product performs and the many ways it can be marketed and distributed. 

Second, you should know how to leverage tech, ideally the best growth hacking tools available, to provide new or unique tech avenues that help your company grow. 

Here is a list of the major parts of a growth hacking funnel and the best growth hacking tools 2019 and beyond in relation to the funnel. 

Parts of the Growth Hacking Funnel and Their Tools

From the top down, your growth hack funnel works much the same as a sales funnel. 

  1. Acquisition — the first part of the funnel is audience acquisition and here are the best tools to use for it:
    1. Highlight and Share — share and grow traffic to your website/content with this free plugin.
    2. Features:

      • Makes immediate sharing to social media networks easy by means of highlighting.
      • Works for WordPress powered sites.
      • Setup requires minimal time and experience.

      Rating: 4.8 of 5

      Level: Beginner

    3. Constant Contact — the top email marketing service for growth hacking.
    4. Features: 

      • WordPress based plugin
      • Extensive resources like libraries, training and webinars
      • Tech support is one of the best

      Rating: 5 of 5

      Level: Beginner

  2. Activation — make your audience try your services/products with the great tools featured  below:
    1. UserLane — the self-titled “software navigation system” for users.
    2. Features: 

      • Gamify your site or content to hook visitors.
      • Has a proven interactive guide
      • Gets you fast results

      Rating: 4.9 of 5

      Level: Intermediate

    3.   Hello Bar — this free tool helps you create call to action (CTA) buttons on the top 
    4. end of your site.


      • You can easily insert your CTA.
      • Has a built-in goal-driven CTA creation system
      • You can customize with color to fit website design.

      Rating: 4.9 of 5

      Level: Beginner

  3. Retention — form a lasting relationship with visitors with these growth hack tools:
    1.   Five Second Test — measure the retentive power of your site.
    2. Features: 

      • Helps you see if you’re giving customers the right content
      • Uses easy upload for your page design
      • 5-second test to measure customer retention

      Rating: 4.8 of 5

      Level: Intermediate

    3. Facebook Messenger — a secret to customer retention for business for free.
    4. Features: 

      • Lets you connect intensively with any audience
      • Helps you access smartphone users
      • You can automate quick answers for FAQs 

      Rating: 5 of 5

      Level: Beginner

  4. Revenue Boost — fuel more conversions with the following features tools: 
    1. Totango — powers up website conversions.
    2. Features:

      • Will help you do smart follow-ups
      • Lets you identify the best prospects
      • Keeps your team updated

      Rating: 4.8 of 5

      Level: Intermediate

    3.   Zoom — this remote interactive tool has seen big growth in COVID times.
    4. Features: 

      • Is a great tool for webinars
      • 40 minute free for a maximum of 100 participants
      • Record your meets or webinars for lead generation

      Rating: 5 of 5

      Level: Intermediate

  5. Referral — sustain growth through strong revenue streams.
    1. Hunter — do quick email searches without signing up.
    2. Features:

      • Free tool for fueling audience outreach
      • Simple and easy to use
      • Get contact lists for B2B referrals

      Rating: 4.8 of 5

      Level: Beginner

    3. Pay With a Tweet — currently one of the best referral systems around.
    4. Features:

      • Fuels conversions via Twitter
      • Requires visitors to tweet for more referrals
      • Paid upgrade eliminates ads and gets you statistics

      Rating: 4.9 of 5

      Level: Intermediate

LegalMatch uses a select number of growth hacking tools according to what its team of growth hackers prefer to use for sustained business growth programs. See the Senior Sales Operation Data Analyst hiring page to find details of the process. 


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