Best Foods to Eat to Sharpen your Coding Skills

Best Foods to Eat to Sharpen your Coding Skills

No matter how some programmers behave or pretend to be robots, they are still human by nature. That said, programmers need to have proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise, especially in their line of work that requires serious thinking and focus. It may seem cliche, but food is fuel to our brain and body.


Without proper diet, our brain will become disorganized and lethargic. Programmers can be preoccupied with work that they sometimes forget to eat or even to drink water which is essential to the body. Feeling lazy at work? Here are the best foods to eat to sharpen your coding skills and memory.


  1. Fatty Fish
    Our brains are mainly comprised of fat where half of it is the omega-3 type of fat. Incorporating fatty fish such as salmon or tuna to your daily diet can not only boost your brain – it can also slow down the decline of your brain.

  2. Avocado
    Speaking of healthy fats, avocado is also on top of the list. Yes, potato chips are the most convenient snack, however you need your body and brain to function at its fullest for your job and junk food just won’t cut that. Next time you feel like taking your 100th trip to the nearest convenience store, bring slices of avocado to work instead.

  3. Coffee
    Now you have an excuse for your coffee obsessions. How could we even last a day without our daily dose of caffeine? While not all programmers drink coffee, most of them enjoy the taste and the endorphins this drink produces. Coffee not only allows us to stay focused and awake, but it can also provide neurological benefits due to its antioxidant components.

  4. Broccoli
    Remember the time where your mother reminds you to always eat your broccoli? As children, we hate the taste of broccoli. But as adults, we learn that we need foods that contribute to our body as this body we have, ages. Broccoli is high in vitamin K that keeps a human’s brain sharp. If you want to boost your brain to be able to code better, include broccoli into your daily diet.

  5. Eggs
    There are countless recipes you can do with eggs. Not only are they convenient to cook, but they are also affordable. Eggs are rich in vitamin B6 and B12 which contributes to the health of our brain. Can’t think of lunch recipe to bring to work? Time to put your cooking skills to test in using eggs!

What are other foods do you eat to help sharpen your coding skills?

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