Are All Programmers Gamers?

Are All Programmers Gamers?

Society often has this connotation that all programmers are gamers or that once a programmer, always a gamer. However, not all programmers are gamers. So what is it with this stereotype any way?


One of the most probable reason is the fact that gaming is generally a trend in individuals who love everything about computers which may often be developed earlier in life. Later on, when these young minds study computer college courses, they will be more exposed to the world of gaming – whether they be school tournaments or influence from game addict friends.


Later on, these kids turn into adults and get jobs as programmers – which mainly stemmed from their love for computers since childhood. Let’s go back to the question, “Are all programmers gamers?” Here are a few things to consider.


Factoring Time

When you’re in school and you have your parents who do all the pampering for you, everything is all fun and games, all are unicorns and rainbows. But then, life hits you in the face. Sure you can play all you want after school but now that you have your own responsibilities, there seems to be no time for playing games anymore. Just when you’re planning to play when you get home from work, then comes your boss with a whole lot of additional workload for you. So you get home tired with no ounce of strength to even make yourself a decent meal.


True Essence Of A Gamer

Another factor to consider when determining if a programmer is always a gamer, is defining what a gamer truly is. Some people agree that a true ‘gamer’ is the person who spends an unnecessary amount of time playing games, is a health-sacrificing freak, doesn’t have a job, and only plays popular games like Dota 2 and PUBG for example. On the other hand, some people agree that adult gamers are those who play just enough at least a couple times a month but does it in an insightful way.

So it all boils down to this, if Person A is the jobless, all-day gamer person and Person B is the hard-working programmer who puts food on the table and still manages to enjoy games and is still somehow at the same time – which is the true gamer? You decide.


Diversion From Work

Not all programmers burn their time in a desk job with overtime requirements. Some work freelance at the comforts of their own place and time, while some work the normal 9 to 5. All these bunch experience heavy stress in their jobs that they need some form of mental diversion when they get home. For programmers, one of the most common type of diversion from work is playing games. What better way to divert yourself from all programming work than playing video games?

So, are all programmers gamers? Perhaps, no but the majority of them maybe are.


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