Top 5 QA Engineering Interview Questions You Should Prepare For

Top 5 QA Engineering Interview Questions You Should Prepare For

Yes, there is such a thing as over-preparation for an interview.


On the other hand, there is also a much greater advantage when you prepare. The common interview questions include:


  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  3. Why did you leave your job?


Because they have been repeated over and over again, we become used to it and do not see it as a threat to our chances of being hired anymore. Nevertheless, there are some questions that are not as easy as basic questions about who you are or what you’ve done in the past. Real skills are crucial when you’re opting to land a job in the tech industry.


Want to become a QA engineer? Here are the top 6 interview topics you should prepare for.


Question 1: How Will You Write A Good Test Case?

A test case format can often depend on the test management tool used by an organization. Test cases are generally used by testers in order to know if a software is working based on the requirements. Common fields that comprise a test case are:

  1. ID
  2. Title
  3. Priority
  4. Executed by
  5. Executed date
  6. Preconditions
  7. Inputs
  8. Test Step
  9. Expected Result
  10. Actual Result
  11. Status


Question 2: What is a Data Driven Testing?

Data driven testing is a framework that allows test data scripts to be read from a database as opposed to using hard-coded values. The data files can be data pools, excel files, or csv files. 


Question 3: What are the Different Types of Software Testing?

  1. Unit Tests – testing different individual methods and functions of the classes, components, or modules
  2. Integration Tests – verify the different modules or services on your application
  3. Functional Tests – business requirements
  4. End-to-End Tests – replicates user behavior with the software
  5. Acceptance Tests – requires an entire application to be running and focuses more on user behavior
  6. Performance Tests – focuses on the behavior of a system when it is under significant load
  7. Smoke Tests – checks the basic functionality of an application


Question 4: What are the Components of Test Plans and Test Cases?

While it is not required to include everything in this list, it would help to mention all these components during an interview. According to IEEE 829 standards, here are the elements of test plans and test cases.

  1. Test Plan identifier
  2. References
  3. Introduction
  4. Test Items
  5. Risks
  6. Items to be tested
  7. Features excluded for testing
  8. Testing Approach
  9. Test Pass and Fail Criteria
  10. Resumption/Suspension Criteria
  11. Test deliverables
  12. Test Environment Set Up
  13. Training and Staffing
  14. Team Member Responsibilities
  15. Testing Schedule
  16. Planning for Risks and Contingency Plans
  17. Approvals


Question 5: Why Use Agile Testing?

Perhaps the most important output organizations wish to have is customer satisfaction. If your clients become satisfied with what you do, there’s no need to launch marketing stunts in order to prove the worth of your brand. In agile testing, people are more in priority rather than tools and methods. 


A word of advice: if you’re planning to be a QA specialist, analyst, or an engineer, make sure you have hands-on experience in programming.


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