Components of a Software Developer Resume

Components of a Software Developer Resume

Yes, you may have the skills and experience as a software developer but, do you have a killer software developer resume? Nowadays, employers in tech companies and employers in general examine applicants’ resume well. There’s no better way to showcase what you’ve got than writing it on your resume.

Employers will not know about the awesome projects you’ve worked on and your working capabilities if they don’t see it on your resume. Oftentimes, resume is the most time-consuming part in our application. We’ve put up quick tips on how you can make this process much easier.

Before you put yourself out there, build your resume first. However, do not wait until your resume is perfect either – you’ll always learn along the way. Here are the components of an attractive software developer resume for starters and mid-level developers. Note that this is not written according to order of importance.


Tailored Structure

Don’t forget to include keywords (technologies, language, work ethic, etc) that your prospective employer is looking for. Be sure your resume is specifically structured with a certain employer in mind. It definitely takes time to create a resume for each company you are applying for, but it increases your chances of getting a call.

Completed Projects

Whether it’s a school project, a sideline, or an accomplishment from your previous company – be sure to include them with accurate details on your resume. It’s perfectly fine not to make it long, just make sure you only include the necessary details. You may also include personal passion projects that have been done or in the process. Don’t forget to use active verbs.

Career Flow

Another thing employers are looking for is a clear trajectory of where your career is headed. That said, your past work experiences and other side work experiences should sync. Unless you are looking for a new career path, your career goals should be on a rising scale. Make your employer know that you are advancing in your career.

Proof Of Work

You may write all your real work projects in your resume but what colors them is proof. Credible work always impresses employers. Instead of putting vague or wordy experiences, write short, precise, and authentic experiences. Also, do not stuff your resume with all experiences that you have, stick to only 3 to 4 projects that are of high importance to the position you are applying for.

Social Profiles

Include links to relevant social profiles to your resume such as Github, LinkedIn, or Medium. Employers are human and when they review your resume, what resonates to them as humans are fellow humans too and not robots. By including social profiles to your resume, it sends a message that you are human.


Have you created your software developer resume yet? Send them to today.

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