How to nail that Programmer Job Interview

How to nail that Programmer Job Interview

You may have god-like coding skills and not get hired. It is true that the corporate world is a dog eats dog world and you have to be fully prepared or you won’t survive. More and more companies are in demand of programmers like you but the battle is also tough as there are other million programmers desiring your dream job.


If you’re not observant and clever enough, you’ll obviously be left behind in your career. Are you currently eyeing on that job post you saw on LinkedIn? It’s time for you to not only strengthen your skills, but to prepare for your first job interview as well.


Job interview for programmers are tough since employers are on the lookout for that individual that can boost their company ahead of the fast-paced technology competition. Here are some tips on how to nail that first interview.


  1. Understand The Position Deeply
    It’s convenient to just create a single resume and application letter then send them in bulk to companies. However, when you’re invited for an interview and you don’t know exactly what they expect from a programmer, then you will definitely not get the job. If you want employers to be impressed, study the job description well and make sure you are not lying when you tell them you have their required skills.

  2. Conduct Company Research
    What you can gain from this is that you will know what the company goals are in which you can connect to why they need a certain programmer. Thus, you can align your skills and answers to the interviewer when they ask you why you think you’re fit for that said position. In addition, it would be plus points for you because the interviewer will think that you are interested in the company.

  3. Prepare Yourself Physically
    It counts to be enthusiastic during an interview and unless you’re really sick, being weak during the interview may send a message to the interviewer that you may not be interested. A week before your big interview, exercise, eat, and sleep well to keep your body and mind energized. Also, don’t go to an interview with an empty stomach or lack of sleep.

  4. Keep Your Answers Precise
    There is nothing wrong with being chatty but oftentimes, in an interview, you may accidentally say some things that are unrelated to what is being asked. When an interviewer asks you a question, take about just a few seconds to understand and make your answer short and accurate. You may add some humor, but always stick to what is being asked.

  5. Solve Problems
    You have to show the interviewer, especially if it is a technical interview that you don’t just code, but you code to solve problems. To avoid panicking during this type of interview, make sure that you have done some hands-on learning. Also, learn to explain your work in detail.


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